
Den røde skov - filmisk orakel i 9 billeder




Den røde skov - filmisk orakel i 9 billeder

Overview: With the relationship between mother and daughter as a common theme, the film is divided into 9 image rooms with action patterns that are based on archetypal images and motifs. The film is unconventional in its choice of means of action. Ursula Reuter Christiansen, who is a painter, tells her adventurous stories with an emphasis on the visual element, which works in interaction with Henning Christiansen's original soundtrack. (DFI)

Status: Released

Release date: January 1, 1987

Countries of origin: Denmark,

Homepage:web icon
Production companies
  • Statens Filmcentral
  • Det Danske Filminstitut

Top Cast

Ursula Reuter Christiansen

Ursula Reuter Christiansen

Stina Vrang Bruin

Stina Vrang Bruin

Carla Tatò

Carla Tatò

Annamaria Compare

Annamaria Compare



images of the specific movieimages of the specific movie