
El precio de una Miss




El precio de una Miss


TV Movie

Overview: The story of Amanda, Pepa and Inaki, a team of young journalists who suspect that the jury of the national beauty contest is bought off. Amanda, accepts the challenge of introducing herself in the spanish national beauty contest falsely disguised as a pageant. With the help of Pepa and Inaki Amanda's mission will be to uncover the dark truth that lies behind the organization. Written by Anonymous

Status: Released

Release date: April 3, 2005

Countries of origin: Spain,

IMDB:imdb icon

Top Cast

David Aleman

David Aleman

Sonia Castelo

Sonia Castelo

Pau Durà

Pau Durà

Paca Gabaldón

Paca Gabaldón

Vicente Genovés

Vicente Genovés

