
The Life of Adam




The Life of Adam


Overview: An independent group of journalists examine the official accounts and media reports of the Newtown shooter, Adam Lanza and discover fallacies, contradictions and endless anomalies. Independent, and thoughtful documentary delves into some of the inconsistencies existing within media accounts and official reports relating to Adam Lanza, the purported killer of 26 school children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Status: Released

Release date: December 28, 2015

Countries of origin: United States of America,

IMDB:imdb icon
Production company:
  • Independent Media Solidarity

Top Cast

Nancy Lanza

Nancy Lanza

Adam Lanza

Adam Lanza

Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper

Kathleen Koenig

Kathleen Koenig

Dannel Malloy

Dannel Malloy



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