
One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room


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One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room


Overview: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room This thoughts and feelings of gays with AIDS are revealed in this documentary set in a New York West Village clinic. One of the patients dies during the course of the film. The patients speak with candor and humor about their grave condition, about the support they give each other, and about their preparations for death. The outcome alternates between pathos and the upbeat.

Status: Released

Release date: May 5, 1994

Countries of origin: United States of America,

IMDB:imdb icon
Production company:
  • Clinica Estetico

Top Cast

Jonathan Demme

Jonathan Demme

as Narrator

Juan Botas

Juan Botas

Bernard Morisset

Bernard Morisset

Daniel Chapman

Daniel Chapman

Gene Fedorko

Gene Fedorko



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