
3 Minute Heroes




3 Minute Heroes



TV Movie

Overview: "Hello. I'm Billy and I'm going to enjoy myself first." Saturday. Out on the streets, young people looking for fun. Billy, living for Two-Tone music. Adrian, only limping when he walks. Lectric, dressed to kill. Debbo, bored with stereotypes. Rhoda, bored with Elvis. Elvis, playing games. They move around the city in the day, making life happen wherever they are. They come together at nights to listen to their music. For as long as the song lasts, they're heroes. Three minute heroes.

Status: Released

Release date: October 26, 1982

Countries of origin: United Kingdom,

IMDB:imdb icon
Production company:
  • BBC Pebble Mill

Top Cast

Philip Freeman

Philip Freeman

as Billy

Ian Davies

Ian Davies

as Adrian

Joanna McBride

Joanna McBride

as Lectric

Beverley Tate

Beverley Tate

as Rhoda

Clarence Venson

Clarence Venson

as Elvis



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