Public Person

Steve Amani

Age: 42 years

public person biography

Gender: Male

Birthday: December 21, 1982

Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois USA

Biography: Steve Amani is an American professional wrestler who has been in the ring for over 20 years. He was born in Chicago, Illinois and is 5’ 8" tall, weighing 185 lbs. Amani is known for his technical wres...

Known for: Acting

Known for

UWE Cabin Fever
star icon


UWE Cabin Fever

as "The Untouchable" Steve Amani

MCPW 1 Year Anniversary the Age of the Fall
star icon


MCPW 1 Year Annivers...

as "The Untouchable" Steve Amani

MCPW Battle Ground III
star icon


MCPW Battle Ground I...

as "The Untouchable" Steve Amani