Overview: Set in the backdrop of the mystical city of Varanasi, Asur follows Nikhil Nair, a forensic-expert-turned-teacher, who returns to his roots at the Central Bureau of Investigation, and along with his former mentor Dhananjay Rajpoot, finds himself caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a brutal serial killer. What follows is a blend of suspense, mythology and the murders of some people totally unrelated.
Status: Returning Series
Release date: March 2, 2020
Number of season: 2
Number of episode: 16
Countries of origin: India,
June 1, 2023.
8 Episodes
Overview: Shubh returns for revenge and this season he takes the challenge to a whole new level. With the heroes fallen apart, will a desolate Dhananjay Rajpoot and a torn Nikhil Nair be able to stop him?
See episodes