Overview: A desert tortoise needs life-saving surgery; a male prairie dog has a little problem down below; a beloved bunny has a major issue with his anesthesia.
Overview: A newborn owl monkey comes in for a finger exam; an opossum needs her glands examined; and a coyote is at the clinic for a wellness exam.
Overview: A lemur comes in to be spayed; a rabbit gets a CT scan; a koi with a mass is examined.
Overview: A beloved squirrel travels hundreds of miles especially to see Dr. K, a goat has some serious udder trouble, and vet tech Dyanne's own bunny needs help.
Overview: A rabbit named Oreo is flown in for care at Dr. K's clinic. Then, a chicken named Shakira comes in to see Dr. T who has an egg inside of her that is not passing. Later, Dr. K sees a macaw with a broken wing and a bearded dragon is rushed in as an emergency.
Overview: Hubble, a crested gecko, comes rushing into the clinic after being attacked by the family dog. The owner is extremely upset as Hubble looks close to death.
Overview: Dr. T and Dyanne hit the road as they are called out to a nature center to examine a male peacock, who is acting extremely lethargic, has some swelling under his eyes and some saliva discharge coming from his mouth.
Overview: A prairie dog comes in for an examination after he strangely lost is top teeth. Dr. Matt suspects that this could be a serious problem, so he admits the prairie dog for further investigation.
Overview: Plump pets that need to shed some pounds are examined.
Overview: The busy clinic assists pets that have been on the losing end of a fight.