Overview: Ordinary girl Riko finds herself transported to the middle of a war, and she doesn't have the slightest idea how to fight!
Overview: Trapped in her new world, Riko will be forced to fight to survive. But first, the team makes a stop at a local base, where the locals have a request.
Overview: It's time for Riko's first mission as an Assassin. But nobody knows how to be an Assassin, so nobody can teach her…
Overview: An unexpected detour takes the girls to a hot springs inn, filled with yummy food and a chance to relax!
Overview: The gang arrives in Kyoto, and Riko is looking forward to her first time in the ancient city. There's sightseeing and fun, and a clue to something that may save mankind…
Overview: The girls have found a potential way to end the war against the Mimesis, but first they have to get it out of an enemy-infested city.
Overview: With the SWITCH safely stowed onboard, the team stops in Shikoku for a break. But Suzuno has a secret, and is in no mood to have fun…
Overview: An encounter with a powerful Memisis blocking the path to Fukuoka brings back terrible memories from Kyoka's past.