Overview: Daredevil presenter Klaas Heufer-Umlauf talks about some of his biggest stunts and flops - and discusses life outside of Joko & Klaas.
Overview: TV presenter Joko Winterscheidt opens up to Frank about his brush with death while skydiving and his encounters with beauty in his own backyard.
Overview: Having blazed a trail as one of Germany's most famed singer, Lena Meyer-Landrut confesses that she's happiest with life's simple joys.
Overview: Magical, fragile, gentle: Charlotte Roche discusses her traumatic past and taboo-busting trajectory as the author of "Wetlands" and a podcast host.
Overview: "The Alienist" star Daniel Brühl talks Frank through his acting career, his search for perfection and his struggles with stage fright.