Overview: The series follows 24 year old Mahati (Amrutha Srinivasan) through a series of misadventures that begin after being forced into an arranged marriage. Then the newly married Mahati accidentally stabs her husband to death in self-defense after a heated argument. She then promptly wipes her blood-spattered face and calls her boyfriend to clean up the mess. This sets off a chain of events that the true nature of every character involved in this marriage
Status: Ended
Release date: July 22, 2018
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 8
Countries of origin: India,
July 22, 2018.
8 Episodes
Overview: The series follows 24 year old Mahati (Amrutha Srinivasan) through a series of misadventures that begin after being forced into an arranged marriage. Then the newly married Mahati accidentally stabs her husband to death in self-defense after a heated argument. She then promptly wipes her blood-spattered face and calls her boyfriend to clean up the mess. This sets off a chain of events that the true nature of every character involved in this marriage
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