Overview: As she powers through her epic “Future Nostalgia” tour, June/July cover star Dua Lipa talks dancing, yoga, astrology, and Crocs.
Overview: The actor Jennifer Lawrence most admires is Meryl Streep, and she's got a doozy of a Robert DeNiro wedding story—but you'll have to hear that one for yourself. Watch as Jennifer Lawrence answers 73 rapid-fire questions, all while playing a rousing round of mini golf.
Overview: A lot has changed in 8 years! Anna Wintour once again answers 73 rapid-fire questions, this time at Vogue’s offices at One World Trade Center as her and the Vogue team prepare for New York Fashion Week and Vogue’s 130th anniversary event, Vogue World.
Overview: Why does J. Lo love Christmas? "Because it's the most sparkly holiday." Watch as Jennifer Lopez tours her home and answers 73 rapid-fire questions about everything from her pre-show rituals to her Broadway aspirations, Ben Affleck and the possibility of a Gigli sequel.