Overview: In a uniquely hilarious odyssey of self-discovery and cultural observation, documentary filmmaker and self-described "anxious New Yorker" John Wilson covertly and obsessively films the lives of his fellow New Yorkers while attempting to give everyday advice on relatable topics. The awkward contradictions of modern life are eased by Wilson’s candid, unpolished commentary. Building upon Wilson’s previously released "how to" short films, each episode takes wildly unexpected turns but is grounded in John's refreshing honesty.
Status: Ended
Release date: October 23, 2020
Number of season: 3
Number of episode: 18
Countries of origin: United States of America,
July 28, 2023.
6 Episodes
Overview: In season three, documentary filmmaker and self-described “anxious New Yorker” John Wilson continues his heartfelt mission of self-discovery, exploration, and observation as he films the lives of his fellow New Yorkers while attempting to give everyday advice on six new deceptively simple and wildly random topics. Building upon season two, the episodes take unexpected turns, as John navigates a new set of topics including: how to find a public restroom, how to work out, and how to clean your ears.
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