Overview: Venture into the heart of a remote island with an ecosystem so rich and primitive, it's been dubbed the ultimate lost world. Madagascar is home to untold species of animals and plants, 70% of which don't exist anywhere else. But the star attractions are the more than 100 species of lemurs that inhabit the island today.
Overview: Madagascar is the world's oldest island, formed roughly 88 million years ago. Cut off from continental Africa since then, it's become an astounding haven for prehistoric plants and exotic wildlife. From arid deserts to towering mountains to lush forests, explore one of the wildest, and most remote, natural sanctuaries on Earth.
Overview: Over millennia, Madagascar's reptiles have diversified and spread into the island's many habitats. From the rapid-fire tongues of chameleons to the poisonous skin of tree frogs, learn how this cast of cold-blooded creatures has adapted to the jungle environment.