Overview: Five contestants collaborate to answer trivia questions, "The Sopranos" and Lady Gaga and clues to discovering The Hustler.
Overview: Five new competitors join host Craig Ferguson in this mind-bending and enigmatic game show where guests must work together to decipher clues – but only one knows the answers
Overview: Five new competitors join host Craig Ferguson in this mind-bending and enigmatic game show where Einstein and chiromancy are clues to discovering The Hustler.
Overview: Snoop Dogg, Jell-O and a microwave are all clues to discovering the identity of the hustler.
Overview: Five new competitors sit down to collaborate on a series of questions in which Harry Potter and actor Jim Carrey are clues to discovering the identity of the hustler.
Overview: Larry David, magic and Katy Perry are clues to discovering the hustler.
Overview: Motorcycles and Moon cycles are close to discovering the hustler.
Overview: The MTV Movie Awards, superglue and actor John Hamm are all clues to discovering the identity of the Hustler.