Overview: Chaser, comedian and TV trivia genius Paul Sinha hosts the TV-themed comedy quiz show. Team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett are joined by special guests Katherine Ryan, Denise Lewis, Gregg Wallace and Big Zuu, who put their TV knowledge to the test.
Overview: Georgia Toffolo, Sindhu Vee, Chris McCausland and Jonathan Ross team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett on the comedy quiz show, as The Chaser expert and stand-up comedian Paul Sinha tests the panellists' TV knowledge.
Overview: Joanna Page, Jenny Powell, Adam Thomas and David Baddiel join team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett on the comedy quiz show, as The Chaser expert and stand-up comedian Paul Sinha tests the panellists' TV knowledge.
Overview: Rachel Riley, Stacey Dooley, Nihal Arthanayake and Jon Richardson join team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett on the comedy quiz show, as The Chaser expert and stand-up comedian Paul Sinha tests the panellists' TV knowledge.