Overview: A devastating loss and an unfulfilled dream lead Sim Deok-chul to a ballet studio. Lee Chae-rok's real-life troubles disrupt his training.
Overview: Deok-chul is eager to prove his capabilities as a student and manager. A dismayed Chae-rok agrees to teach him under one condition.
Overview: Deok-chul helps Chae-rok fend off an antagonizer and a cold, while Chae-rok backs Deok-chul’s decision to pursue ballet despite his wife’s disapproval.
Overview: A downhearted Deok-chul gives in to his family’s protests over his new hobby. Chae-rok quits his part-time job to prepare for an upcoming competition.
Overview: Sim Eun-ho gathers the courage to search for her true source of joy. Deok-chul and Choi Hae-nam invite a nervous Chae-rok into their warm home.
Overview: Yang Ho-beom takes a spiteful jab at Chae-rok, who steps closer to his goal. Ki Seung-joo advises Chae-rok against a possibly career-ending move.
Overview: Hae-nam calls Chae-rok for help when Deok-chul goes missing. Seung-joo and Deok-chul inspire Chae-rok with personal stories of setbacks and recovery.
Overview: Chae-rok is devastated to learn of Deok-chul's diagnosis. Following a doctor's appointment, Deok-chul loses his way walking back to the ballet studio.
Overview: Sim Seong-gwan finds inspiration for his documentary close to home. Determined to help Deok-chul take to the stage, Chae-rok trains him for an audition.
Overview: Lee Mu-yeong offers Ho-beom his belated apology and encouragement. Out of concern for Deok-chul's health, Chae-rok tells him to quit learning ballet.
Overview: Sim Seong-san is forced to take the fall for a mishap at work. Deok-chul and Chae-rok practice for their duet performance.
Overview: On the day of the ballet gala, Deok-chul is advised against performing, but Chae-rok is set on helping him achieve his dream of soaring onstage.