Overview: In an all-new season, three new contestants face off against the world's greatest trivia titans in this heart-racing quiz show starring Mark Labbett of "The Chase" and "JEOPARDY! The Greatest of All Time"'s James Holzhauer, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter as Chasers. Sara Haines returns as host.
Overview: Mark "The Beast" Labbett is the Chaser to beat as three new contestants face-off against him.
Overview: James "The Highroller" Holzhauer takes his seat as The Chaser in a race like never before. With only seconds on the clock and more than $500,000 at stake
Overview: Brad "The Buzzsaw" Rutter takes his first turn as The Chaser in this race against the clock quiz show. Do three new players beat the chaser or get caught?
Overview: Mark “The Beast” Labbett returns as The Chaser as another 3 contestants face off against him.
Overview: Brad “The Buzzsaw” Rutter is The Chaser as 3 new competitors face off against him.
Overview: Ken Jennings returns as the chaser as three new competitors step up to the board to see if they can outrun him.
Overview: James Holzhauer returns as this week’s Chaser as three new contestants face off against him in this race against the clock quiz show.
Overview: Ken “The Professor” Jennings returns as The Chaser in this race-against-the-clock quiz show.
Overview: James Holzhauer returns as this week's Chaser as 3 new contestants face off against him.
Overview: James Holzhauer returns as the chaser against 3 new contestants.
Overview: Mark “The Beast” Labbett returns as this week’s Chaser against 3 new hopefuls.
Overview: Ken “The Professor” Jennings takes on 3 new hopefuls.
Overview: This week it's Mark "The Beast" Labbett returning as The Chaser with three new hopefuls ready to face off against him in a race against the clock.
Overview: It's a race against the clock as three new hopefuls face off against Brad "The Buzzsaw" Rutter" on "The Chase".
Overview: Mark “The Beast” Labbett returns as The Chaser in a race against the clock
Overview: James “The Highroller” Holzhauer returns as this week’s Chaser as three new hopefuls face off against him in a race against the clock.
Overview: Ken “The Professor” Jennings takes center stage as the Chaser in a race against the clock.