Overview: Jon Gabrus, Jay Washington, and Brian Murphy try not to tap out first in this wrestling themed episode.
Overview: Becca Scott, Joan Ford, and Erika Ishii hump something and break rules.
Overview: Brennan Lee Mulligan, Siobhan Thompson, and Winston A. Marshall try to deliver a Santa fatality.
Overview: Markeia McCarty, Matt Acevedo, and Malika Lim Eubank learn about Goldballs' balls.
Overview: Jordan Doll, Rekha Shankar, and Spencer Porter fight to get greenlit in this TV themed episode.
Overview: Newcomers Brian David Gilbert and Karen Han face off against Emma Fyffe and try to draw a La Cegua.
Overview: Andrew Rosas, Carolyn Page, and Jon Gutierrez learn about the origins of hello before the game even starts.
Overview: Amy Dallen, Danielle Radford, and Tao Yang discuss what makes you a true New Donker.
Overview: Julia Prescott, Ben Siemon, and Haley Mancini hope they're not too old for an all cartoons episode.
Overview: Jess Ross, Lindsay Katai, and Kelly Nugent wonder why there's no question about John Carter's balls.
Overview: Newcomers Liam O'Brien, Krystina Arielle, and Sam Riegel wonder who named the Eternals.
Overview: Carlos Luna, Izzy Roland, and B. Dave Walters talk about walking out of the Garfield movie.