Overview: Post-World War II, German preacher Paul Schäfer establishes a youth home but is soon accused of abuse. He flees to Chile, where he starts a new colony.
Overview: In Chile, word gets out about Schäfer, so he establishes a free hospital to win favor with the locals. But then Wolfgang Kneese runs away, telling all.
Overview: When Allende comes to power, a scared Schäfer smuggles and manufactures arms. Meanwhile, he grows more cruel in how he treats the colony's young people.
Overview: Schäfer provides torture chambers for Pinochet's use in exchange for mining licenses and other perks. But he struggles to keep the youth "pure."
Overview: Schäfer enlists the colonists to support Pinochet's activities. And even after Pinochet loses the presidency, Schäfer manages to keep going.
Overview: A pair of boys flee and tell on Schäfer. But the colonists pay the price as they try to rebuild their fractured lives.