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Seaside Delights

Seaside Delights

Episode number: 1

Overview: Ainsley is inspired by the tastes and delights of the seaside - he starts with a taste of Italy making his Crab and Lemon Linguine with Pangrattato.

Fruits and Berries

Fruits and Berries

Episode number: 2

Overview: Ainsley's feeling fruity and shows us some fantastic recipes showcasing fruit including Rose Harissa Chicken Tagine with Apricots and Chickpeas.



Episode number: 3

Overview: Ainsley is Egg-xited to explore the wonderful world of eggs. He kicks things off with a delicious breakfast hash with nduja and kale for a spicy start to the day.



Episode number: 4

Overview: Ainsley is buzzing around in his kitchen again as he cooks using honey. He combines honey and chilli for his first dish, honey-chilli spiked lamb.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

Episode number: 5


Episode number: 6