Overview: Jacob tells of a man and his vineyard. The man plants wild and tame olive tree branches and clears branches that produced wild fruit, leaving only good fruit behind.
Overview: The people of Limhi and Alma are taken into bondage and captivity by the Lamanites. Through growing faith and making covenants, the Lord delivers them from their bondage.
Overview: The people of Ammon promise God to never shed blood again and bury their weapons of war. Because of their full conversion and faith, they are blessed.
Overview: Captain Moroni inspires the Nephites to keep their commandments and fight for their freedom by raising the Title of Liberty.
Overview: The people of Ammon made a covenant to not shed blood, so their sons, who did not make the covenant, agree to join Helaman to fight and defend their people. Through their faith in their mother’s teaching of the Lord, they are all protected and live.
Overview: Nephi and Lehi are taken captive by the Lamanites because of their teachings of the Lord. When the Lamanites try to slay them, the Lord protects them with a ring of fire, and angels come down from the heavens. The Lamanite's hearts are changed.
Overview: Samuel the Lamanite prophesies of the coming of Christ, angering the Nephites. When the Nephites shoot arrows and throw stones at Samuel, he is protected by the Lord and every arrow and stone misses him.