Overview: Australian soldiers Pompey Elliott, Archie Barwick and Nurse Kit McNaughton embark on the great adventure of WW1 while at home anti-war activists Tom Barker and Vida Goldstein face off against pro-war conservative crusader Eva Hughes.
Overview: Australian soldiers Pompey Elliott and Archie Barwick, and nurse Kit McNaughton, retreat from Gallipoli and prepare to go to war on European soil for the first time. At home, anti-war activist Tom Barker is jailed and pacifist Vida Goldstein is banned from speaking in public halls.
Overview: On the battlefields of Europe, Pompey Elliott, Archie Barwick and Kit McNaughton are caught up in a war where men fight and die in their thousands. Tom Barker, Vida Goldstein and Eva Hughes go toe to toe as Australia is becoming a divided nation.
Overview: The 'war to end all wars' enters its fourth year - taking a terrible toll on Australian soldiers and nurses. At home, millions argue about whether men should be compelled to fight.