Overview: The Great American Dream Machine was a weekly satirical variety television series, produced in New York City by WNET and broadcast on PBS from 1971 to 1973. The program was hosted by humorist and commentator Marshall Efron. The show centered around skits and satirical political commentary. The hour and a half long show usually contained at least seven different current event topics. In the second season, the show was trimmed down to an hour. Other notable cast members included Chevy Chase. Contributors included Albert Brooks and Andy Rooney. Some of the skits would later be revamped for the movie The Groove Tube. There were also occasional short films presented on the show, most of them "experimental" or documentaries about artistic endeavours. Some of these were subtitled.
Status: Ended
Release date: January 6, 1971
Number of season: 2
Number of episode: 34
Countries of origin: United States of America,
September 29, 1971.
20 Episodes
Overview: This season cut the episode times to an hour time slot instead of a 90-minute time slot
See episodes