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Bajir Wow

Bajir Wow

Episode number: 1

Overview: Makhan escapes by stealing 'Amrita', the mysterious discovery. But Gaja was caught by Limka and the hard drive containing the amrita's formula. Meanwhile Tanay, Montu and Bampi lost Rs 50 lakhs to Choksivai Baniya by betting on Ludo.

Ma Lokkhi

Ma Lokkhi

Episode number: 2

Overview: After receiving the Amrita's formula, Medusa contacted the drug lord of Calcutta. Meanwhile, Bumpy, Tanay, Montu somehow escaped from Mastani. After finishing the mission marijuana, Jethu's luck charm returns to him.

Shanghai Blues

Shanghai Blues

Episode number: 3

Overview: Medusa and Jethu are meeting face to face at the Shanghai Blues Bar to make a deal. According to Mastani, Bumpy, Tanay, Montu came to destroy the deal. All three parties were involved in the clash.

Plan B

Plan B

Episode number: 4

Overview: Bumpy, Tanay and Montu reunite with Special Agent Jinia. Mastani, Jethu, Medusa lost their mind after losing cocaine and hard drive. Mastani kidnaps their parents and grandparents.

Elizabeth er Saree

Elizabeth er Saree

Episode number: 5

Overview: According to Medusa's plan, Gaja-Limka kidnap Jethu's daughter. Due to Montu's stupidity, police comes at their current place. Jethu calls Jinia.

Jatinga Pakhi

Jatinga Pakhi

Episode number: 6

Overview: Tanay broke the encryption of the hard drive as per Montu's plan. Mastani receives Tanay and group's location. Medusa is facing Montu and Jinia meanwhile, Bampi and Tanay face Mastani.



Episode number: 7

Overview: Eventually, everyone came face to face in one place. Medusa, Jethu, Mastani and Tanay, Jinia. A chaos breaks out for the hard drive and cocaine. When the commissioner came, Jinia detonated a bomb and fled with the formula.