Overview: The controversial documentary following the lives of those heavily reliant on benefit payments returns for a second run. This time, the residents of Kingston Road on Stockton-on-Tees Tilery Estate are the focus, including mother-of-six Julie and her friend Sue, who set the world to rights from the doorstep, as well unemployed Lee, who has been denied a crisis loan and is relying on a food bank and his neighbours to eat. Meanwhile, the rebellious `king of kids', Maxwell, divides his time between exercising, taking drugs, and risking arrest by turning up late for his court appearance
Overview: This episode meets the younger residents of Kingston Road. Julie is busy caring for her brain damaged son Reagan, who's 15, while her 12-year-old son is moved to a new school two days into term.
Overview: The residents finish their Christmas preparations, which include Julie relishing the task of making 16 roast dinners for her family and friends, and Sue rallying the street to raise the £500 needed to hire reindeer and a sleigh in the hope of making the festive season for her best friend's disabled son as special as possible. However, the new year brings tragic news that devastates everyone on King's Road.