Overview: Aurore Dupin, who later became known as George Sand, was one of the most successful French novelists of the 19th century.
Overview: After nine years of an unhappy marriage Aurore Dudevant has left her husband and two children and gone to Paris. Living with Jules Sandeau - she is consumed with her ambition to become a writer.
Overview: Aurore Dudevant has left her husband and two children; achieved literary success in Paris and become known as George Sand.
Overview: George Sand's 13-year-old marriage to Casimir has now degenerated beyond repair.
Overview: Having just met the young Polish composer, Chopin, George Sand is determined to know him better.
Overview: George Sand has settled down with Chopin, but her children are growing up and causing problems.
Overview: In a France torn with political unrest, George Sand is notorious both for her private behaviour and her political beliefs.