Overview: The drama begins with an explosive yakuza feud, and the comedians of the Tokusa Clan try to outdo each other with painfully funny tales of betrayal.
Overview: As rival yakuza fall to vicious attacks, the Tokusa Clan boss fears he's next. The comedians must prove they're no threat — with the cutest story ever.
Overview: The story takes a sci-fi turn as Teru brings the comedians to a secret lab where they try to unlock their hidden abilities in the next unscripted scene.
Overview: After Daigo flees to a dystopian future where storytelling is banned, a motley resistance group of comedians attempts to recruit him with moving stories.
Overview: Daigo, Yuna and Ando travel back in time and meet a special group of orphaned comics who share hilarious self-introductions in the next unscripted scene.
Overview: When all hope seems lost, Ando plans to rewrite the fates of two celebrities in the past. The comedians are tasked with creating unhinged new scandals.
Overview: History seems to repeat itself as Daigo wakes up in a familiar high school. In the next unscripted scene, the comedians must furiously flatter each other.
Overview: To save the world from S's evil plans, the comics from past and present make one last stand with their funniest stories and most passionate confessions.