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The Saturn V Rocket

The Saturn V Rocket

Episode number: 1

Overview: The first episode of the series documents the creation of the iconic Saturn V rocket.

The Command Module

The Command Module

Episode number: 2

Overview: The second episode is centered around the construction of the Apollo Command Module and the setback of the Apollo 1 fire.

The Navigation Computer

The Navigation Computer

Episode number: 3

Overview: The third episode details the story of MIT's work on the Apollo Guidance Computer.

The Lunar Module

The Lunar Module

Episode number: 4

Overview: The fourth episode features the Grumman project to build mankind's only true spacecraft - the Lunar Module.

The Space Suit

The Space Suit

Episode number: 5

Overview: The penultimate episode focuses on the teams that created the remarkable Apollo pressure suit.

The Lunar Rover

The Lunar Rover

Episode number: 6

Overview: The series' final episode centers on the design and perfection of the novel Lunar Roving vehicle carried to the Moon on the Apollo J-class missions.