Overview: Yamanashi Kazuya is a first year Artist in Eisen High School's Perception Art Department. He's looking for his childhood friend, Takise Kyo, who is a third year Grader, but students from the two specializations are not encouraged to mix.
Overview: The Generals give the Staircaser candidates a chance to trade partners for the contest, but this leads to a fight between Artists and Graders instead.
Overview: As Kazuya and Kyo start working together on their piece for the Staircaser Contest, Kazuya reflects on their relationship and the relationship between Artists and Graders.
Overview: The Graders have a curation meeting to decide where their pieces will be displayed for the Staircaser Contest, and Kazuya wants to join, but Kyo won't let him.
Overview: As Kazuya helps look for the culprit behind the mysterious Scribble, he talks to Anjyu and finds out about the stress he felt because of the Staircaser Contest.
Overview: Kazuya and his friends find themselves in the middle of a fight between Mikuriya Kaede and Kirinoe Mashu in their search for answers about the mysterious Scribble.
Overview: Kazuya and Kyo go see Haijima Iori's exhibition, and Kazuya learns more about Iori's relationship with Kyo and with Takumi, his Grader for the Staircaser Contest.
Overview: Kazuya thinks back to the time right before his parents' death and his family's relationship with Kyo's family during that time.
Overview: With the supported space update coming soon, Kazuya and the others are running out of time to find the Scribbler, but Kazuya is fighting with Kyo and Jun.
Overview: In his search for the Scribbler, Kazuya learns more about Kyo and Iori's relationship when they were partners for the Staircaser Contest two years ago.
Overview: Kazuya finally realizes who drew the mysterious Scribble and finding the Scribbler leads him to answers about his past and the day his parents died.