Overview: Victoria Charlton investigates Francis Albert-Cloutier, a man as mysterious as his disappearance. On social networks, she finds Francis' friends, who are afraid to confide in this incident which dates back to April 15, 2006.
Overview: Victoria explores the various rumors surrounding Francis Albert-Cloutier's last night. One of them directs her to a bar in Saint-Amable.
Overview: Victoria is looking for the last people who saw Mélissa Blais alive at the Les deux dé bar. She spots Kevin, a friend of Mélissa, but also Leslie, a waitress who is still hesitant to talk to her.
Overview: Victoria finds a witness to a violent altercation the night Francis disappeared. She then dives into the story of Philippe Lajoie, a 23-year-old farmer who disappeared on February 14, 2007 in Yamachiche, a few kilometers from where Mélissa Blais lived.
Overview: Despite multiple calls and meetings, the mystery around Philippe Lajoie remains as tight as ever. This leads Victoria to connect this case to the “Missing 411” phenomenon.
Overview: After questioning the effectiveness of a polygraph, Victoria continues her investigation in Louiseville. As the portrait around Mélissa Blais becomes more complex, she sets new poles.