Action & Adventure
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Overview: Mashin Hero Wataru is a comedy/adventure Super Robot multimedia franchise originally consisting of 45 episode anime series created by Sunrise first aired on April 15, 1988. Sunrise credited "Hajime Yatate" for the storyline and Shuji Iuchi directed the series. The series employs a kinetic visual gag style, often employing characters running with their feet over their shoulders derived from Sunrise's previous Super Robot anime series Choriki Robo Galatt.
Status: Ended
Release date: April 16, 1988
Number of season: 3
Number of episode: 142
Countries of origin: Japan,
April 16, 1988.
45 Episodes
Overview: Wataru, a boy in grade four, gets blown into a world in another dimension, Shinbukai, where he is told he is the hero of this world. He becomes able to summon Ryujinmaru, a robot-like partner, and he helps save the people of the world from an emerging evil power.
See episodesMarch 9, 1990.
46 Episodes
Overview: The other-dimensional world where Wataru had secured peace is in danger of occupation again. Wataru is back with an upgraded Ryujinmaru to stop Dowarudar, the evil of all evils.
See episodesOctober 2, 1997.
51 Episodes
Overview: Wataru, a fourth grader, is once again taken to Shinbukai, a world in another dimension, as its savior, ten days after he had last returned from there. He heads for the Soukaizan, invaded by the Donarukami family from the dark world. Wataru enters the Soukaizan with Himiko and Shibaraku. As they meet new friends along the way, they also bravely confront their enemies. Will Wataru be able to stop the Donarukami’s plot?
See episodes