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The Wazir Takes a Wife

The Wazir Takes a Wife

Episode number: 1

Overview: Six eccentric people find a farm in a post-nuclear valley. They do not believe that they are able to get along as a community, until a gigantic mutated spider threatens the farm. The survivors have to work as a team to be able to fend off the spider.

Festival Of Magic

Festival Of Magic

Episode number: 2
The Wizard Prang

The Wizard Prang

Episode number: 3

Overview: The group creates their own makeshift currency.

A Cargo of Crumpet

A Cargo of Crumpet

Episode number: 4

Overview: The survivors find hallucinogenic berries.

Ali and the Thieves

Ali and the Thieves

Episode number: 5
Saved From The Harem

Saved From The Harem

Episode number: 6
Curtis Unglued

Curtis Unglued

Episode number: 7

Overview: Curtis becomes devastated after the loss of his necktie. When it is found again, it makes him believe he is in the year 1986, before the nuclear holocaust happened.

Dumb Love

Dumb Love

Episode number: 8

Overview: The group finds out Suzanne is in love, and the men clamor amongst themselves to see who is the one she has fallen for. When they find out she is in love with Jack, he is glad, but she cannot stand the fact he loves to go exploring and push his shopping cart around to collect things he finds on his expeditions. The song My Guy is the theme played all throughout this episode. Meanwhile, mutated squash has grown, which comes in all colors and makes a sound akin to "mach" when squeezed.

The Thanksgiving Show

The Thanksgiving Show

Episode number: 9

Overview: After a turkey is found on the farm, it grows into a gigantic turkey after eating radioactive grain.

Say It Ain't So, Santa

Say It Ain't So, Santa

Episode number: 10

Overview: Christmas is approaching, but it is not the same as the nuclear holocaust has ruined much of the world's evergreen tree population. While cleaning out the chimney, the group finds Santa Claus has visited the group, but appears depressed. He later reveals to the group that he is suffering survivor's guilt as his workshop at the North Pole had a fallout shelter, but the door slammed shut and Mrs. Claus and all the elves were unable to get inside. Stuart Pankin guest starred as Santa.