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Kampala, Uganda

Kampala, Uganda

Episode number: 1

Overview: Locals seize the chance to nab grasshoppers using a 'corridor of lights', a gauntlet of bright bulbs and smoke to catch and consume this newfound food alternative.

Amhara, Ethiopia

Amhara, Ethiopia

Episode number: 2

Overview: The spongy, pancake like injeera is a famous staple Ethiopian food made from the iron rich grain, teff; Kiran samples injera for the first time at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant.

Lamu, Kenya

Lamu, Kenya

Episode number: 3

Overview: Kiran will join fishermen from Pate, and attempt to dive for lobster, continually aware that he might become fish-food himself.

Mt Elgon, Uganda

Mt Elgon, Uganda

Episode number: 4

Overview: Kiran joins the Bagisu men into the forests to find the bamboo shoots and any other natural foods to cook up malewa.

Kilifi, Kenya

Kilifi, Kenya

Episode number: 5

Overview: Quest for the ugly but delicious custard apple widely known as the 'bullock's heart' or 'bull's heart'.

Jinja, Uganda

Jinja, Uganda

Episode number: 6

Overview: Kiran attempts to catch numerous fish including the much sought after Nile Perch on Lake Victoria.

Gurage, Ethiopia

Gurage, Ethiopia

Episode number: 7

Overview: Kiran witnesses a full day on a local cattle farm on the outskirts of Nasret; he sees bulls reared, the large number of butcheries and the first slaughter of the day.

Samburu, Kenya

Samburu, Kenya

Episode number: 8

Overview: Kiran visits his new friend Samburu's perfect plump pumpkin patch that also grows cabbage and sukuma wiki.

Entebbe, Uganda

Entebbe, Uganda

Episode number: 9

Overview: Chef Kiran explores Uganda's bar food culture.

Episode 10

Episode 10

Episode number: 10
Baringo, Kenya

Baringo, Kenya

Episode number: 11

Overview: Chef Kiran tries spear fishing in Lake Baringo, Kenya.

Baringo, Kenya

Baringo, Kenya

Episode number: 12

Overview: Chef Kiran tries spear fishing in Lake Baringo, Kenya.

Jimma, Ethiopia

Jimma, Ethiopia

Episode number: 13

Overview: Chef Kiran takes a coffee tour through Ethiopia.

Kaloleni, Kenya

Kaloleni, Kenya

Episode number: 14

Overview: Chef Kiran tries some unusual meats, like rat and crocodile.

Best of

Best of

Episode number: 15

Overview: Some of the best and most memorable scenes from the past season.