Overview: Donna, a sassy grandma from New Jersey, takes live calls and gives advice on everything from careers to roommates to sex. She is joined by JustaMinx and a new guest every week who join in the advice-giving and chaos.
Overview: America's Mom is back after her splashy debut! Donna is here to talk your calls and teach you about life with this week's special guest: Mia Malkova!
Overview: Donna takes your live calls again, joined this week by her niece QTCinderella and special guest Jerma! Let her help you unpack your baggage and stay a little while.
Overview: Fresh off their campsite, this week Donna brings in guest AustinShow to take live calls, deep dive into some horoscopes, and explain a thing or two to the next generation, joined by special guest Kassem G. Donna's experienced it all, and she's ready to help you!
Overview: 100Thieves streamer and TikTok star Neekolul joins Donna and her niece QTCinderella this week to answer your live questions, including topics like how to stay friends with your ex's friends after a breakup, how to put roots down in a new place after moving so often, and how to spark connections when you work an unconventional job. Donna has all the answers and more for you!