Overview: The Boys talk about the best gifts you can be given, Bubbles gives a tour of his shed, and more space with Bubbles and Chris Hadfield.
Overview: Randy and the Boys talk about Randy’s side jobs, Jim Lahey talks about Bourbon, and Conky answers some fan questions.
Overview: Ricky makes some bird feedies on Gettin’ Learnt, Mr. Lahey shows off a present he received, and Julian answers some fan questions.
Overview: Ricky uses his handgun as a pillow, Jim Lahey explains his liquor dreams, and Bubbles has to go get Ricky to bring him to the set of season 10.
Overview: Julian is making good money in jail with his current scheme, Rev. Ricky Brown gives an uplifting sermon, and Randy does his cooking segment.
Overview: The Boys make sushi bobs in the park, Ricky is worried about being remembered after dying, and Bubbles showcases some of his favourite kitties.
Overview: The Boys get baked and find Jimmy Hoffa, The Boys get drunk and high in Dublin at the Guinness factory, and Terry is tasked with hiding the shit and piss from jail.
Overview: Ricky builds some explosion devices, Ricky can’t get any sleep while the crew is filming, and Ricky wakes up and feels like being a dick while in jail.
Overview: Bubbles confronts Ricky on his google search history, Randy and Lahey play the dicshitnary game, and the whole jail learns about dating etiquette.
Overview: The Boys get baked with Snoop Dogg, Jim Lahey talks about his love for VAT 69, and Ricky demonstrates different kinds of art.