Overview: Date Chizuko is a generally unenthusiastic seventh grader who's been sent to stay with her Grandfather. However, her life changes drastically when she becomes a superfan of the local magical girl and is approached by her nemesis.
Overview: Chizuko and Kuroma are fronted by a knife-wielding robber at the convenience store. Berry Blossom may, or may not, come to their rescue.
Overview: Chrome issues Berry Blossom an official notice of his intent to commit an evil deed. However, a sudden storm hits, and he loses all motivation to follow through on his villainous declaration. Chizuko is forced to take matters into her own hands.
Overview: Chrome decides that Fossa Magna cannot continue without an evil general and formally withdraws his evil organization from Naniga City. Chizuko quickly realizes it's no fun to watch a magical girl if she's not combating evil.
Overview: Dark clouds roll over Naniga City, and Chrome excitedly decides to show Chizuko the #1 thing to do when you turn evil. Chrome and Chizuko plot to steal Berry Blossom's wand to remove her access to her powers.
Overview: Chrome's dream of being an evil mastermind is jeopardized when headquarters decides to replace Chrome as the evil mastermind of Naniga City. His replacement quickly shakes up the status quo.
Overview: Kurozane Chroma and Mashima were classmates in middle school and only after a while realized that they had already met during elementary school.
Overview: Since her grandfather is away at a Go tournament, Chroma must accompany Chizuko to her parent-teacher conference instead. In the process, we uncover some dark secrets about Chizuko's class teacher.
Overview: Whether it's waking up extremely early or having a stain on his outfit, Chroma has recently been facing obstacles that are spoiling his battles against Berry Blossom. He needs to take action, but then things get even worse…
Overview: Chrome doesn't have enough magic power for his upcoming duel with Berry Blossom. In his desperation, he summons a giant Kuma Kaijin.
Overview: Chizuko discovers a man dangling from the shopping district sign. She and Berry Blossom help him down, and the man turns out to be none other than...
Overview: Baryuu has invited Chizuko to join him and Mashirou on a train journey. Meanwhile, Chroma is watching over Berry Blossom, but when a supposed call from Mashirou arrives, Chroma also takes action.