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Gonçalves Family

Gonçalves Family

Episode number: 1

Overview: Gonçalvez family is the third generation living in the same house. Amidst many structural, eletric and plumbing problems, mother Vanessa and daughter Isabella left their home, while Jean, the youngest son, decided to stay to make company to his aunt that lives next door.

Bauso Family

Bauso Family

Episode number: 2

Overview: Since the unexpected death of mother Cici, father and son had a hard time in taking care of their home with the same love as before. The makeover of the house where they lived their whole life promises to reunite the family and show them that life must go on.

Oliveira Family

Oliveira Family

Episode number: 3

Overview: A green house is home for the likeable Oliveira family. With his wife Leni, Lute dreams to renovate the house he inherited from his father but couldn't make it yet so he could give good education to his three children.

Lima Family

Lima Family

Episode number: 4

Overview: An unemployed nurse, Camila won the battle against a cancer recently. With no job and two kids to take care of, her house goes down slowly by the lack of maintenance.

Bailon Family

Bailon Family

Episode number: 5

Overview: Yara and Cláudio bought the house where they live 13 years ago, but there was never any money left to make it better. They even tried to sell the beloved home but they could never afford the makeover it needs.

Galli Family

Galli Family

Episode number: 6

Overview: Sonia is very welcoming and lives with her three sons and a daughter in law in a house that suffers with water seepage and mold. The concerns with the house gets bigger when her grandson is born.

Malaquias Family

Malaquias Family

Episode number: 7

Overview: The Malaquias family needs a home makeover to live with confort in a very narrow house with small rooms. A real architecture challenge.

Antônio Family

Antônio Family

Episode number: 8

Overview: The Antônio family needs more space and confort for its family businesses. Besides that, the family was on the verge of separation because the cost of living all together in the same house were too high.