Overview: Created in the early 1970’s, Ginormo! follows the Super Protection Force (SPF) as they protect the world from the evil organization, Beast Advanced Artillery Division (BAAD), which seeks to take over the world using the most terrifying monsters ever created. Unfortunately, due to the shoe-string budget and the incompetence of the production team, the show was so badly done, it never aired. Recently discovered by Steven He, we will be airing it for the first time as an unintentional comedy masterpiece.
Overview: The Evil organization BAAD unleashes a monster on the city, and the heroes of SPF 51 build a Giant Robot called "Ginormo" to fight it.
Overview: Ginormo Defeats Babysaurus, but BAAD unleashes two new monsters, the Rhino Twins led by evil Dr. Uniclop. Ginormo gets creative with "Cowboy" style.
Overview: Ginormo Defeats Babysaurus, but BAAD unleashes two new monsters, the Rhino Twins led by evil Dr. Uniclop. Ginormo gets creative with "Cowboy" style.
Overview: Lord Metagon send Jazzypuss to destroy the City, and SPF sends their best pilots and agents who put up a formidable battle.
Overview: Lady Spigh summons 2 of her monsters to first defeat the crew of SPF 51, then attack the city, Who give Ginormo a tough fight.