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Beasts Unleashed

Beasts Unleashed

Episode number: 1

Overview: Scientists tap into the Morphin Grid, but an evil virus corrupts the technology and a new team of Power Rangers is formed to defend the Grid from evil.

Evox's Revenge

Evox's Revenge

Episode number: 2

Overview: When Grid Battleforce’s Commander needs to select a leader for the team, the Power Rangers are at odds over who should get the job.

End of the Road

End of the Road

Episode number: 3

Overview: Zoey tries to convince the citizens of Coral Harbor to use Morph-X powered bikes instead of cars, but Blaze uses the opportunity to execute an evil plan.

Digital Deception

Digital Deception

Episode number: 4

Overview: Ravi is shocked when the evil Roxy comes to his rescue and wonders if there may still be good left in her.

Taking Care of Business

Taking Care of Business

Episode number: 5

Overview: Devon finds it difficult to balance a new job he took to impress his dad and the duties of being the Red Power Ranger.

Hangar Heist

Hangar Heist

Episode number: 6

Overview: Nate develops new technology from a captured Gigadrone and Devon struggles with fully trusting his team.

A Friend Indeed

A Friend Indeed

Episode number: 7

Overview: Evox targets the Beast Bots to stop the Rangers from forming their Megazord.

The Cybergate Opens

The Cybergate Opens

Episode number: 8

Overview: Scrozzle executes his plan to finally free Evox from the Cyber Dimension and the Rangers, along with an unexpected friend, must do everything in their power to stop him.

Silver Sacrifice

Silver Sacrifice

Episode number: 9

Overview: The Rangers must band together to save one of their own from Evox's new plan.

Thrills and Drills

Thrills and Drills

Episode number: 10

Overview: Ravi must face one of his worst fears when it interferes with his Ranger duties.

Tools of the Betrayed

Tools of the Betrayed

Episode number: 11

Overview: An innocent lie leads to a break in trust between the Power Rangers.

Real Steel

Real Steel

Episode number: 12

Overview: When Nate and Steel unexpectedly clash, it leads to double trouble for the team.

Tuba Triumph

Tuba Triumph

Episode number: 13

Overview: After witnessing a boy being bullied, Ravi takes him under his wing.

Hypnotic Halloween

Hypnotic Halloween

Episode number: 14

Overview: The Rangers are hypnotized into believing that they are the characters they dressed up as for Halloween.

Sound and Fury

Sound and Fury

Episode number: 15

Overview: The Rangers' skills are put to the test when Blaze uses evil tech to massively enhance his Robotron's destructive power.

Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Episode number: 16

Overview: The Red Ranger gets amazing new powers, but they have unexpected side effects.

Gorilla Art

Gorilla Art

Episode number: 17

Overview: Ravi resorts to drastic measures when Smash accidentally discovers a closely guarded secret.

Ranger Reveal

Ranger Reveal

Episode number: 18

Overview: When a movie star comes to town, the Rangers' secret identities are unexpectedly threatened.

Rewriting History

Rewriting History

Episode number: 19

Overview: The Rangers are brainwashed to think that Blaze and Roxy are part of their team.

Target: Tower

Target: Tower

Episode number: 20

Overview: Evox and his minions hatch the ultimate plan to take over the Morphin Grid.

Evox: Upgraded

Evox: Upgraded

Episode number: 21

Overview: The Rangers mount a desperate mission to stop Evox once and for all.

Scrozzle's Revenge

Scrozzle's Revenge

Episode number: 22

Overview: When the Rangers get trapped inside holiday ornaments, their Beast Bots must save both the Rangers and the city.