Overview: Tetsuo Tosu's peaceful family life comes to an end when he is forced to make a grave decision.
Overview: Tetsuo attempts to secretly dispose of Nobuto's body, together with his wife Kasen.
Overview: The criminal organization has eyes on Reika, and Tetsuo struggles to find a way to keep his family safe.
Overview: Tetsuo finds himself in another dire predicament.
Overview: Kasen attempts a certain strategy, and Tetsuo encounters the very person he should avoid.
Overview: Tetsuo attempts to pin Nobuto's murder on Kyoichi, but Kyoichi infiltrates the Tosu residence.
Overview: Reika decides to meet up with Kyoichi, but Tetsuo senses that she might be in danger.
Overview: Tetsuo shares a last supper with his enemy as the deadline to find Nobuto looms.
Overview: Kyoichi makes a desperate attempt to flee from the organization.
Overview: The final showdown between the two fathers begins.