Overview: A pulsating, high-octane South African drama. Ethan, a 17-year-old driver trying to escape gang life, discovers a possible way out via spinning, an extreme motor sport. But the looming gang war jeopardizes his hopes.
Overview: A body surfaces, putting Damien's gang in Detective Nazeem's sights. Hercules conceals their deeds. Ethan seeks a new life with Shane's crew, aiming to be their driver.
Overview: When Ethan faces money trouble while building a car, he resorts to embezzling gang funds. Damien plots a high-stakes job. Ethan bonds with fellow spinner Amber for an upcoming competition.
Overview: Tension soars as Damien's gang gears up. Meanwhile, Ethan readies for a spinning scout's performance. Racing against time, he faces police scrutiny, jeopardizing his spinning team's competition chances.
Overview: As Damien devises a grand scheme, Ethan's team heads to a spinning event. Damien suspects a leak and, with Hercules, pursues Ethan to execute their plan. The collision of these worlds threatens Ethan and his crew.
Overview: Ethan, rejected by Damien and expelled from his spinning crew, must navigate the real world. Amber offers him a chance at redemption and entry into a spinning contest.
Overview: Ethan's agonizing choice compels him to flee, but he's captured by Nazeem. Gang warfare erupts. As Ethan's friends hunt for him, the stakes soar.