Overview: Brady Barr wants to discover what the American bovines are capable of and to understand why they can be so dangerous.
Overview: Dr. Brady Barr responds to animal nuisance calls with some of the most notorious pet threat offenders.
Overview: Every year, we push deeper and deeper into the wild, creating havoc for other species. But some are turning the tables - making their living not only in spite of us, but off of us. Every night, they raid our suburbs, our dumpsters, even our homes, and find more and more ingenious ways to turn our food - into theirs. Dr. Brady Barr is on the hunt to track down these animals, discover their unique abilities, and test a few theories that just might keep them from becoming backyard bandits.
Overview: Dr. Brady Barr plunges into the turquoise waters in search of nurse sharks, sting rays and other beasts of the beach.
Overview: Dr. Brady Barr is on a mission to find the alligator snapping turtle, one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world.
Overview: There's a killer on the loose in central Florida. Brady has been called in to help find out what it is. Calves are disappearing into the night and Brady's old friend Lee Lightsey can't determine what's taking them.