Overview: Diane has thousands of tumours all over her body.
Overview: Irais's kids are bullied because of the growth on her head.
Overview: Belinda's lump on her neck causes her immobility. Nick foolishly removed a lipoma at home.
Overview: April is covered in bumps disfiguring her arms. Genner is in from the Philippines to treat his bumpy nose.
Overview: Jen’s growths on her ears give her depression, pain and vertigo. Gerald has a lump on his middle finger.
Overview: Gerald is back to see Dr. Lee about his finger bump. Vinnie has a big birthmark on his neck.
Overview: Taylor has a large bump at the base of her spine and Noelle wants her stretched ears repaired.
Overview: All new pop-up facts and secrets are revealed as renowned dermatological surgeon Dr. Sandra Lee removes life-altering growths from her patients' skin.
Overview: Inoke has a possibly life-threatening bulge on his shoulder. Delano returns with his back lump.
Overview: Leonard has a bump on his arm that looks like it's breaking through the skin. Jess got a lump on her bum after falling down the stairs.
Overview: Dr. Lee assists Matt with the tumours growing all over his body.
Overview: Melissa tries to cover a lipoma with a sweatshirt and Amber's ear keloids have taken over her life.
Overview: Gerard has nearly 100 lumps all over his body. No one has been able to help Gina with her bloody lesions.
Overview: Dr. Lee encounters the largest lump she’s ever seen. Plus, Amber suffers from a debilitating skin disease.
Overview: Traci has bumps all over her face, and Ravon has a growth that dangles near his genital area.
Overview: Dr. Lee examines a man’s suspicious eye growth, and Nicole has lots of large bumps on her neck.
Overview: Barb seeks help for a heart-shaped lump on her back, and Hilda has bumps all over her eyes.
Overview: Lisa gets treatment for a horn on the back of her head, while Victor has a big lump on his chest.
Overview: Patrick has huge bumps covering his nose, while Joe suffers with a lump on his forehead.
Overview: Jose has a baseball-sized head lump, and Ken is covered in painful bumps.