Overview: The contestants are Jade Turner and Lucinda Colegate competing against Thea Wilkins and Suki Price. The Experts are David Evans and Nigel Quiney (tapestries) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by Marchand with a creation to crow about by Roosters Creations.
Overview: The contestants are Jimmy Dean and Crysi de Milo competing against Rita Storey and Natasha Brooks. The Expert is Lisa Lam (bags) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by Li Yu with an illuminating creation by Wendy Turner-Webster.
Overview: The contestants are Anna Bunting and Jason Bennett competing against Julia Berg and Pete Hammerton. The Expert is Alice Walton (ceramics) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by Carl with Soda Can Purses made by Annabel Neilson.
Overview: The contestants are Lou Regan and Coral Hawkes competing against Elisa Fallowfield and Victoria Hewett. The Expert is Claire Griffiths (knitting needle jewellery) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by Jasmine and Kitty with some state-of-the art crochet from Trudi at Teabea Knits.
Overview: The contestants are Charlie Drayton and Lucy Atkinson competing against Ellie Bond and Sophie Walker. The Expert is Clare Bowles (fascinators) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by tattooed Iggy with Wendy’s Plant Holder.
Overview: The contestants are Jme Anderson and Billy Hamon competing against Victoria Hills and Fiona Flowerdew. The Expert is Sabrina Castellano (lampshades) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by lovely blue-haired boy with Julie’s Sock Teddies.
Overview: The contestants are Hannah Ramus and Lucy Mayfield competing against Gemma Biss and Amy Nelson. The Expert is Nigel Patrick Gray (cushions) and the Crafty Beggars Basket is held by our Trevor holding the Rupert Bear Book Bag by Sarah from Buttonbag.