Overview: While Aupala eagerly anticipates her last day on set, she gets perplexed when the fictional world starts to seem real.
Overview: Trapped in a disorienting maze, Aupala grapples with her sense of self and tries to flee from Sondhamoni's world.
Overview: Aupala spots Partho with a mysterious girl. Struggling with herself, she reluctantly accepts Sondhamoni's life.
Overview: Aupala attempts suicide to break free from her delusion, but the news of Sondhamoni's pregnancy baffles her.
Overview: When a pregnant Sondhamoni tries to escape from the hospital to get Aupala's life back, she faces a shocking revelation.
Overview: Aupala's bubble bursts when Sondhamoni's fictional world ends. But, will Aupala find her 'real' self?