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Our House

Our House

Episode number: 1

Overview: Matt and Kat make a visit to Emma and Johnathan's humble new abode.

Dark Space

Dark Space

Episode number: 2

Overview: Matt, Kat, and Emma go on a quest to find Marie.

Woofer Wippy Cup

Woofer Wippy Cup

Episode number: 3

Overview: Matt, Kat, and Emma make a commercial for Matt's first invention, the Woofer Wippy Cup.

Scenes for a Wedding

Scenes for a Wedding

Episode number: 4

Overview: Emma takes a stab at directing her own wedding video.

Birth of a Neophyte

Birth of a Neophyte

Episode number: 5

Overview: Kat has a disastrous dinner with her film department.

Matt's Menage a Deux

Matt's Menage a Deux

Episode number: 6

Overview: Matt, Kat, and Emma prepare to go their separate ways.

The Emma Mystique

The Emma Mystique

Episode number: 7

Overview: The day in the life of Emma the Sugar Baby.

Matt's Meandering Mind

Matt's Meandering Mind

Episode number: 8

Overview: Matt is finally the star of his own after school special.

Kat's Out of the Kradle

Kat's Out of the Kradle

Episode number: 9

Overview: Kat moves to Iowa for graduate school. It has some eerie similarities to her undergraduate program.

Coming Around Again

Coming Around Again

Episode number: 10

Overview: After returning from Iowa, Matt and Kat join Emma and Johnathan on their honeymoon only to discover that the honeymoon phase was over a long time ago.