Overview: In the first tale, Junjun, a horseman working at the resort, finds himself irresistibly drawn to Fourth, a mysterious guest whose arrival stirs up deep emotions. The second story follows Paris, a vlogger from Manila, who falls for Taylor, the daughter of the resort's owner, sparking a passionate romance amidst the stunning backdrop of Sky Valley Park.
Status: Ended
Release date: July 20, 2024
Number of season: 1
Number of episode: 13
Countries of origin: Philippines,
July 20, 2024.
13 Episodes
Overview: In the first tale, Junjun, a horseman working at the resort, finds himself irresistibly drawn to Fourth, a mysterious guest whose arrival stirs up deep emotions. The second story follows Paris, a vlogger from Manila, who falls for Taylor, the daughter of the resort's owner, sparking a passionate romance amidst the stunning backdrop of Sky Valley Park.
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