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The SS Bessemer and Ask Heaves

The SS Bessemer and Ask Heaves

Episode number: 1

Overview: We're back again! We start with the tale of SS Bessemer, but soon enough we're coming up with a rejected Bond villain, working out how schooling really happens in Rotherham, and then inventing a terrible butler. Hold on to your mystery biscuits, because this is Citation Needed, Season 3.

The Boobrie and Conservative Pandas

The Boobrie and Conservative Pandas

Episode number: 2

Overview: It turns out the Citation Needed team have a certain amount of skepticism when it comes to mythological beasties. So rather than talk about the boobrie, it's on to slaughtering birds, extinct creatures, and why all pandas are actually Conservatives.

Sergeant Reckless and Terry Google

Sergeant Reckless and Terry Google

Episode number: 3

Overview: Surprisingly few tangents this week, because the subject matter is astonishing enough that there's no stopping us. Apart from getting a cat stuck in an index file, of course.

Sidney Weltmer and the Queen's Package

Sidney Weltmer and the Queen's Package

Episode number: 4

Overview: This week! We're tracking down some suggestive pseudoscience, and wondering about the Queen's package. And no, you're not finding out what was in the bit that got removed for legal reasons.

Jimmy Carter's Rabbit and Tinfoil Hats

Jimmy Carter's Rabbit and Tinfoil Hats

Episode number: 5

Overview: Last in this season! We take on a former President of the USA, and one particularly vicious rabbit. Thanks for watching, everyone!