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The Battle of Fishguard and "Brandy"

The Battle of Fishguard and "Brandy"

Episode number: 1

Overview: The final season begins! With a traditional tale of a military mistake and a wheel that spins and lands on France.

The Norwegian Butter Crisis and the Ark of Taste

The Norwegian Butter Crisis and the Ark of Taste

Episode number: 2

Overview: This time, we're taking on smørpanikk, food politics, and - for the second week running - brandy.

Juan Pujol Garcia and Thirtynineitude

Juan Pujol Garcia and Thirtynineitude

Episode number: 3

Overview: Our traditional Wartime Badass Episode this week, albeit a wartime badass whose weapon included expense reports.

Hail Cannons and Operation Popeye

Hail Cannons and Operation Popeye

Episode number: 4

Overview: No, a hail cannon isn't for if you just want to accelerate a lot of hail really quickly. This week: pseudoscience and real science!

The Crazy Eights Incident and the Pumpy Thing

The Crazy Eights Incident and the Pumpy Thing

Episode number: 5

Overview: I realise we never actually define "pumpy thing" in this video. I'm not going to define it here either.

The Sweater Curse and Clothing Controversies

The Sweater Curse and Clothing Controversies

Episode number: 6

Overview: That's it! That's the end of the series. You made it! Congratulations! Enjoy the best mime that Matt has ever done.